* Building Biology Institute - north & south america
* Building Biology - Europe & International
* The Bioinitiative Report - 2022
* Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation & Environment (PHIRE)
* The Environmental Health Trust
* Physicians for Safe Technology
* Magda havas - The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Simplified
* EMF learning resources
* EMF-portal
* SAfe living technologies (use code "hic-5" to receive 5% discount off list)
EMF related links
Indoor air quality (iaq) & green building related links
* green science policy institute
* international living future institute (declare)
* cradle 2 cradle certified products
* building green
* perkins-will precautionary list of products
* california prop-65: office of environmental health hazard protection
* What is EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation?
* Elexana
Healthcare for toxic injuries
* Soma Radiant Wellness
* Jeremy johnson - TEDxBerkeley Talk - wireless wake-up call
* EVERY parent should watch this interview!!! - Reducing Your Risk of Wireless Radiation Exposure - with Cecelia doucette
* Satic shield EMF Protection Guide - (use code "HIC10" for 10% off list)
* Create healthy homes - educational articles
* SRW EMF Products (scroll to EMF support products)
* Peer-reviewed scientific studies on EMF related subjects - Powerwatch
* Maryland Children's Environmental Health and Protection
* Smart Meter Education Network
* Microwave News - EMR/EMF Directory - find about any info you're looking for
* the 25 Building Biology principles
* EMFs and Sleep - Sleep Is a Skill Podcasts - Hosted by Mollie Eastman
* The Dangers of Cell Towers by Eric Windheim
Click the button below to contact Henry for more information, or to schedule your free discovery phone call.