What’s a Russian Woodpecker Doing in Your Wi-Fi?


I am going to tell you a true story about a woodpecker.

No, not a bird! This is about a mysterious signal known as the “Russian Woodpecker” which is a sound you can hear coming from a Wi-Fi router if you have an RF meter which also can produce audio sounds of the signals it is picking up such as the Safe and Sound Pro II or Classic meter ( https://healthyindoorconsultants.com/safe-and-sound-rf-meter or https://healthyindoorconsultants.com/safe-and-sound-rf-detector ).

Although your Wi-FI has a carrier signal of either 2.4 or 5.8 Gigahertz (GHz or Billion cycles per second), this 10 Hz signal was built into the IEEE 802.11 standard, which is the technical standard for Wi-Fi, first published in 1997. It has stayed in all of the subsequent versions of the Wi-Fi protocol.

It was so named because of the “rat tat tat tat” sound it makes 10 times per second.

In the early 70s, the Soviet Union designed and built a system to detect incoming nuclear missiles in the first few minutes after a launch, using a new Over-The Horizon-Radar system (OTHR) also known as “Duga” which means “The Arc”.  The US never detected their top-secret signal until 1976. The Russian Woodpecker signal operated on frequencies from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, regularly interfering on frequencies licensed for amateur, commercial, and international communications. The source of the signal was eventually traced to the Soviet Union. Of course, the Soviets never acknowledged it was theirs. The system was dismantled in 1989 after the fall of the USSR.


What is the Havana Syndrome and could it be related to the “Russian Woodpecker” frequency?

Havana syndrome is a term used to describe a rare condition that causes sudden, unexplained health symptoms in U.S. government employees and their families. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, blurry vision, vertigo, hearing loss, nausea, cognitive dysfunction, emotional distress, and insomnia. The U.S. government now refers to this condition as “anomalous health incidents” (AHI). Some think it is caused by weaponized RF frequencies and the “Russian Woodpecker” frequency might be a contributing factor.

Causes and Culprits

The causes and possible culprits behind these attacks remain a subject of intense debate. In March 2023, a declassified intelligence study reported that the likely cause of these illnesses may be “pulsed electromagnetic energy”. These could penetrate buildings using “commercial off-the-shelf technology,” with devices that are “easily portable and concealable.  The Intelligence Community Experts Panel on Anomalous Health Incidents report, called Havana Syndrome a “distinctive, unique, unusual neuro-sensory syndrome”.

In December 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine provided detailed evidence implicating weaponized microwaves as the cause of the Syndrome. The report was by a panel of nineteen experts in medicine and related fields, commissioned by the State Department. They concluded that the “most plausible mechanism” that caused the severe health effects during incidents beginning in 2016 was “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy,” a category that includes microwaves.

Why do Wi-Fi signals contain the 10 Hz “Russian Woodpecker” frequency?

The 10 Hz signal, containing a packet of information, (actually every 102.4 milliseconds), is used as a “beacon” signal to synchronize between your router and devices that connect to it. I am not sure why the IEEE chose that same frequency that was used by the Duga system. I asked Rob Metzinger, the owner of Safe Living Technologies about this.

He thought it possible it was a rate that yielded a reasonable connection time with new devices joining a network.  Rob also told me that he did not agree with their thinking. He thought it should have a sleep mode where it simply listens for a device trying to connect. Once it sees a device connecting, it could then send its network information to it, not continually. I also wonder if they could instead, use the “Shuman Resonance”* frequency instead. I wonder if that might reduce health issues possibly caused by RF from Wi-Fi routers.

* The Schumann Resonance is a set of electromagnetic frequencies that naturally occur within the cavity between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere and considered to be a “heartbeat” of the planet earth, with the primary frequency around 7.83 Hertz. It is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave that constantly circulates around the Earth due to the electrical activity in the atmosphere. We have adopted to this frequency over millions of years.

If you have questions or want to discuss your EMF issues, click HERE to schedule a free mini-consult where I can offer a few tips.

If you want to purchase a Safe and Sound Meter or other EMF related products, click here:


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